Livestream Archives

Check out the interviews and discussions with CEI member organizations.

Christian Education Initiative with Dr. House

Christian Education Initiative with Dr. House

Today’s show features Col. E. Ray Moore interviewing Dr. Gary House re: Liberal Arts colleges closing. What’s the Future of Christian higher education? Dr. Gary House is a former Christian college professor and current CEI member.

Christian Education Initiative with Ray Sheen

Christian Education Initiative with Ray Sheen

The topic for Wednesday, April 29th on is: Tactics and projects for home schoolers to grow the movement during the COVID 19 crisis. 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (EST). Ray Moore will be interviewing Raymond (Ray) Sheen, former homeschooling dad. Sheen has spoken at homeschool conferences in the USA, and internationally. He maintains a blog on homeschooling called

Christian Education Initiative with Guest Mark Shepard

Christian Education Initiative with Guest Mark Shepard

Christian Education Initiative Live’s guest today is Mark Shepard, a former Vermont state senator, who now lives with his family in Virginia. He owns an industrial control business. Mark has earned an electrical engineer with degrees from Univ. of Florida, MIT, and RPI.

Mark’s ministry is called “Planting Seeds to Renew America.” Today’s show is about the necessity of free market Christian education, and the need to be free from State control.

Mark is a charter member of Christian Education Initiative –