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America is in trouble, we all know this.  We are in trouble due to a decades-long 
worldview shift; a shift away from our Judeo-Christian worldview in favor of a Secular 
or Socialist worldview. This change has occurred primarily in America’s education 
system. We are losing an entire generation of youth to anti-American, anti-biblical 
ideas- to a worldview that says life can be well-lived without reference to God.
 The only hope for changing this view, and for saving our Judeo-Christian Republic, is 
for Christians in churches, ministries and private schooling to address the matter of 
worldview in our pulpits and classrooms.  America needs a serious worldview checkup. 
Fortunately, such a checkup is available from Nehemiah Institute at  
The assessment gives instant results, is strictly 
confidential and includes follow-up teaching materials all for the low price of $17.76.  
Pricing is automatically discounted for group testing. is a marvelous tool for a pastor to get a worldview check 
upon his church and for dad, mom and youth to see how similar, or dissimilar, are their 
worldview positions. 

Nehemiah Institute

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