About The Christian Education Initiative

Our Values & Beliefs


To facilitate a dramatic increase in the number of children exiting government schools and entering Christian education from a Christian school, Christian homeschool co-op model, or other Christian models.


Rather than attempting to reform the unbiblical, unconstitutional government school model, we promote real reform – the ideal of private biblical Christian education for their churches and children.


To establish, encourage and promote education based on a Biblical philosophy, curriculum and methodology.


To encourage and promote all efforts that train parents, pastors, teachers, board members, and other educational leaders in a biblical philosophy, curriculum, and methodology of education.


To promote efforts that assist parents of limited financial means to be able to afford biblical Christian education, without government entanglement, such as private scholarship programs.

Our Vision

Our vision is for individuals, families, churches, and civil governments to be transformed, working through the Holy Spirit, truly carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples who are equipped with a full orbed Biblical worldview to obey all God’s commands, in all areas of life and society to advance Christ’s Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20). That, as Christ’s faithful ambassadors, God may be glorified, and nations of peoples blessed.

Our Mission

Christian Education Initiative (CEI) is an alliance of Christian individuals and ministries that believe the source of all wisdom and knowledge is from the LORD and begins with fearing Him (Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:1-7). CEI members serve to enlighten, encourage and support a comprehensive view of discipleship, that equips and trains all who call Jesus Lord to live life according to the full breadth and depth of His Great Commission:

  • Procreation Mandate: Raise, train and educate Godly offspring under God-honoring discipleship of body, mind and soul. (Gen 1:28, 9:1; Prov. 22:6, Mal 2:15, Mark 12:30)
  • Evangelism Mandate: Preach the whole counsel of God for making, teaching, training and equipping disciples and always being ready to give a reason for our hope (Mat 28:18-20, Eph 4:11-16, 1 Peter 3:15).
  • Cultural Mandate: As the salt of the earth and light to the world, we are called to shape cultural thinking and governing laws utilizing Biblical principles. (Matthew 5:13-16; Mark 12:30; Romans 13:1,4;).  That includes stewardship and utilization of natural resources for the benefits of all humanity (Gen 1:28, 9:1-3).

Discipleship begins in the home, led by Christian parents (Eph 6:1-4, Deut 6:4-9, Mal 2:15).  All parents are fully responsible for their children’s discipleship until they enter adulthood.  The Church, including pastors, elders, deacons and fellow believers, are to encourage a Biblically-based education and discipleship for all children of believers and assist parents where necessary and requested (Eph 4:11-16), ensuring the parents are well-discipled and equipped for their calling to disciple their children. In accordance with Matthew 28:18-20, the Church is commanded to make disciples and teach all believers, including, but not limited to, the youth. Only these two institutions, family and Church, have the authority and jurisdiction for discipleship including preK-12 education.
