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The Bible says, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

That is true for the individual, a family, a church or a nation. We clearly know that our Judeo-Christian nation has adopted significant “new thinking” resulting in new and wrong behaviors. And now America is a nation that needs a major course correction. That has to start with individuals.  Have we chosen leaders with anti-biblical views because our own views have strayed? Likely so.  How can we know- we need a checkup on our own worldview. Fortunately, such a checkup is available. Nehemiah Institute offers an instant assessment covering five major spheres of life.  Results are strictly confidential and includes follow-up teaching materials. The assessment, called the PEERS Test, may be found at PEERS works for individuals or for groups. WorldviewCheckup works great for an individual, a family or a whole church.

Take the assessment today and discover your strengths and weaknesses in biblical 
worldview understanding and make corrections where needed with follow-up training 
materials, all for the low price of $17.76 per person.

Go to today!

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