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Many today are asking, What is happening to our country?  Things such as churches 
performing “marriage” for gays, kids switching gender, longtime family members and 
close friends now hating each other are causing us to say, “I don’t recognize this 
country anymore. What happened to us?”

The answer is,

A major worldview shift has been in motion for several decades 
whereby important ideas about life are being radically altered. This worldview shift is 
now in full bloom and will destroy America unless challenged and corrected. But to do this Christians need a thorough checkup on their personal worldview. What have we bought into that is contrary to the teachings of the Bible? How can we know if we are drifting away from biblical principles for life?

Fortunately, such a checkup is available. Nehemiah Institute offers an instant 
assessment covering five major spheres of life.  Results are strictly confidential and 
includes follow-up teaching materials. The assessment, found at works for individuals or groups.  Pricing is discounted for group testing.

Take the assessment today and discover your strengths and weaknesses in biblical 
worldview understanding and make corrections where needed.

Then, be a Kingdom Warrior for His glory!

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